Easy E-Commerce 

Micro-merchants, which include home-based food businesses, craft makers, and SMEs face significant challenges in setting up and managing online sales. Traditional e-commerce platforms like Shopify are often too complex, time-consuming, and cumbersome for their needs. As a result, these merchants resort to makeshift solutions using Google Forms, direct messaging, and peer-to-peer payments, leading to inefficient and time-consuming order administration.

Vancouver’s FormPay offers a simple and intuitive solution that’s specifically designed to cater to the e-commerce needs of micro-merchants. With a focus on ease of use and rapid setup, FormPay enables over 200 million micro-merchants globally– including 17.2 million in the US — to start selling online within minutes. 

FormPay’s user-friendly platform eliminates the complexities of traditional e-commerce solutions, providing a streamlined and efficient way for businesses to manage their online sales. The platform includes an eye-catching payment form, a dashboard for managing orders, and automated confirmation emails for clients. Their comprehensive solution not only simplifies the selling process, but also saves merchants hours in weekly order administration, allowing them to focus on growing their business. 


Micro to Mighty

The fintech startup’s beta version is already live, with dozens of micro-merchants in Canada and the US using the platform, some processing up to $8,000 per month. The company has developed a repeatable, low-cost acquisition channel through SEO content marketing and is in the final stages of launching a fully self-service product. With a waitlist of over 1,500 sign-ups that continues to grow daily, FormPay is preparing for a broader market launch. Additionally, FormPay was recently part of San Francisco’s On Deck Accelerator, ODX.

Encouraged by the positive reception and the belief that they had the potential to secure a top spot, the team decided to enter the 2024 New Ventures BC Competition. This opportunity will further validate their solution and accelerate their growth in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Ready to Raise


Looking ahead, FormPay’s primary focus is on scaling up merchant acquisition and processing volume. This growth is crucial as it’ll enable the startup to expand its reach and support more micro-merchants. To fuel this next phase of growth, FormPay’s preparing to raise funds which they’ll use to grow their team and enhance their product.  

Meet The Founder

Melody Ma, Founder

Fun Fact: Melody graduated high school in 2 years.

Company Cheatsheet

City: Vancouver
Founded: June 2022
Sector: Fintech; Software


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