All banks can be green banks

Mortgage lending is banking’s largest and best secured line of business. For many banks, real estate lending also represents their first or second largest source of financed emissions. Since 2/3rds of global building stock by 2040 has already been built, this legacy of existing building carbon intensity must be mitigated.  

The challenge is that the real estate sector is dominated by small investors and micro-enterprises. Outside of major metropolitan centres, glass skyscrapers managed by institutional investors are relatively rare. A problematic financing gap has emerged because it is simply not worthwhile for financial institutions to pursue so many small, fragmented building retrofits.


Halitra is a fintech start-up that partners with banks to address the high barriers facing building owners from identifying the appropriate pathway for improving the energy efficiency of their buildings and ending their reliance on fossil fuels. Our first product allows loan officers to target energy efficiency improvements in commercial and multi-family buildings.

Halitra’s vision is to become the green-banking arm for thousands of financial institutions serving millions of buildings. In the future, every real estate loan will include an assessment of its climate risk and investment needs. Halitra will enable commercial loan officers to support their clients in navigating their energy transition. As a result, green buildings will benefit from green premiums and be rewarded with better loan terms over their peers. 


Market Traction

Winner: DeltaClimeVT Energy 2022 Climate Economy Business Accelerator Competition 

Winner: Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) RFP, “Building decarbonization opportunities for financing assistance, Pathway B: Multiple building approach” (press release forthcoming)

Top 5 Finalist: Angels for Climate Vancouver Economic Commission

US statewide pilot Q3 2023: (press release forthcoming)

Halitra is pursuing several pilot opportunities in partnership with local lenders throughout the Northeast United States. Halitra plans to launch pilots in four states by the end of 2023.


Ready for Capital

The Vancouver-based startup has prioritized acquiring customers and achieving significant traction before considering a funding round, aiming to demonstrate their value proposition and attract investors. Their participation in the NVBC competition serves as an opportunity to gain exposure and begin investor engagement.


About the founders

Kamal Singh: Co-CEO and Co-Founder

Fun Fact: Kamal played college football





Thor Jensen: Co-CEO and Co-Founder 

Fun Fact: Thor played college basketball. 






Location: Vancouver

Founded: 2022

Sector: Fintech

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