Tech-Driven Reforestation

TreeTrack Intelligence is tackling the urgent problem of post-wildfire recovery. The Port Coquitlam startup specializes in deploying seedpods via drones to restore land biodiversity and plant trees and shrubs in areas that are difficult or impossible for human planters to access. This approach ensures efficient and effective reforestation, helping to rebuild ecosystems, mitigate climate change, and promote environmental sustainability. By leveraging advanced drone technology, TreeTrack can cover vast areas quickly, making a significant impact on restoring natural habitats and supporting long-term ecological balance. Their unique approach combines cutting-edge technology with environmental stewardship, offering a practical and scalable solution to a pressing global issue.

Their core product is a custom-formulated seedpod designed to guarantee high germination rates and protection from rodents. Each seedpod is tailored to specific regions and seed species, made with organic fertilizers and plant-based binders. TreeTrack also offers a specialized dispersal mechanism that can be mounted on any drone, allowing for precise, one-by-one seedpod dropping. This system enables different planting densities per hectare, customized to their customers’ needs. Together, their seedpods and technology make reforestation efficient, cost-effective, and adaptable to various terrains, promoting rapid ecosystem recovery.


Seeds of Success

TreeTrack’s unwavering commitment to fostering a greener and more resilient planet is part of the company’s DNA and drives their continuous innovation and growth.

The startup has made significant strides in reforestation, restoring over 120 hectares of land and establishing key partnerships with government bodies, NGOs, First Nations, and lumber companies. A major highlight includes their collaboration with Tree Canada on a pilot project, with promising discussions underway for substantial future planting contracts. Their innovative seedpod design has demonstrated impressive field effectiveness, which has allowed them to nurture existing relationships while attracting new partners and customers. 

Looking forward, TreeTrack’s primary goals include expanding their contract base, accelerating the commercialization of their technology, and boosting their annual tree planting capacity. The startup hopes to use this year’s New Ventures BC Competition to gain valuable visibility and form crucial partnerships with government entities, NGOs, and the private sector to help scale their operations. 

Tree Growing -> Tree Tracking

CEO and Co-Founder Amir Soleimani’s first meaningful job was as a tree grower at PRT, where he gained hands-on experience cultivating trees for planters. This role exposed him to the significant opportunities and challenges in reforestation, revealing the critical gaps in traditional methods. It became clear to him that there was a pressing need for a faster, more efficient, and cost-effective solution to meet the growing demand for reforestation, particularly in the face of increasing wildfires. This early exposure fueled his passion for addressing these challenges and led him to develop innovative technologies for large-scale, sustainable reforestation. His foundational experience as a tree grower directly inspired the creation of TreeTrack, where he and his team can tackle reforestation on a global scale. 

About the Founders

Amir Soleimani, Co-Founder & CEO

Fun Fact: Amir is a plant nerd.

Mohammad Sarabi, Co-Founder & CTO

Fun Fact: Mohammad is also a Drone Pilot. 

Company Cheatsheet

City: Port Coquitlam
Founded: October 2022
Sector: Cleantech; Reforestation

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