The Forum for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE) is hosting an upcoming Defining Leadership program in Vancouver in partnership with the Institute for Career Advancement Needs (ICAN).

Led by Mary Prefontaine, regular contributor to the Huffington Post and President + CEO of the Institute for Career Advancement Needs, Defining Leadership is a multi-day program for emerging and high potential leaders.

Over the course of three 2-day sessions, an intimate group of participants will explore leadership in the context of three themes: Stepping into your Power, Creating Vision, and Achieving Vibrancy.

ICAN’s Defining Leadership can be an integral part of succession planning and maximizing team output for business success. Participants will leverage respected tools such as Emergenetics Assessment, Emotional Quotient Inventory and the HayGroup Managerial Style Workbook, among others.

Visit the FWE website to learn more about Defining Leadership. Space is limited to 20 participants and an early bird rate of $2,599 is available until October 15th.

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