The BC Bioenergy Network is sponsoring a $20,000 prize in the New Ventures BC competition for the next three years for the best application of early stage technology fostering the use of bioenergy within BC.

bcbn“The BC Bioenergy Network is pleased to support and partner with the NVBC Competition,” says Michael Weedon, Executive Director of the BC Bioenergy Network. “Announcing our support for a Bioenergy Prize will stimulate innovative bioenergy technologies resulting in the development of a world class industry and capacity in BC.”

The BC Bioenergy Network Bioenergy Prize was conceived by Dr. Scott Stanners, Director of Research with the BC Bioenergy Network. Stanners participated as a judge and mentor for the NVBC Competition last year and was impressed with the quality of participants and projects. “We hope this new Bioenergy Prize will encourage entrepreneurs in the bioenergy sector to develop their business plans and consider the application of their technology in the commercial realm.”

TeamPages profiled on Canada AM this morning